Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Girls' first trip to Sea World!

Checking In with Ethan and Maria
Abigail's favorite part!

Looking at the Manatees

Checking out the Sea Lions (they had babies!)
Abigail found the Polar Bears on the map and made sure we went to see them before we leftSweatin' like pigs, until...It started a down pour! soaked and trying to wring out the clothes in the shark tank! :-)

Still waiting out the rain...
Waiting for Shamu!

Watching the show
Big Whale! :-)
Still wet, and exhausted... Daddy bought the girls Shamu and a dolphin...
that they hugged and slept with all the way home... :-)

Playing with my new iphone!

I will say that after failed attempts to catch the rainbow while driving, I did pull over to take the picture... :-) Our big girl on a raft - although, I don't think she liked it very much! :-)
Our American girls!

Too Stinkin' Cute!

A Few Pics from Ethan and Maria's Wedding!

My sis and our men!

Ethan is Nate and Jon's cousin - hince why we're at the same wedding! Thank goodness I got a haircut! Now I can look at cute as Beck! :-)
Nate's brother, Gabe and his wife Bianca!

Adams' Men, Wedding Tradition....

totally assault the groom to 'Baby Got Back'

quite hysterical!

Yeah, that's my man getting down! LOL :-)

Some Favorites

We were able to spend some time with Nate's family this Summer. His brother and their four boys came to visit, along with his Mom and Dad, and a cousin got married, so we had a big get together - more on the wedding to come! :-)

These are a few favorite pictures from then.

This is so adorable! A conversation between Nana and Abigail caught on film! :-)I love these girls! My sweet sis, and her baby girl!

Our nephews and "Abi-girl"

Boy Scout Bob, er, Nate :-)

that was one tough fire to get started - just bring on the gasoline!

This is pretty much what we find Poppy doing the whole time he's down! :-)

But we're thankful for the pictures and memories! :-)

There's no telling what was going on with Maddie at this point - but such a cute picture out of it! :-)

Nate's Side of the Family!

This is Fabulous!
This is Nate's Grandma ("Gee-Gee" to our family) and her 7 children!
Together, they created this incredible family!
(the stud in the cowboy hat is Nate's dad!) :-) Here are the kids with their spouses!
This picture is of Gee-Gee's grand kids and their spouses (keep in mind, this is not everybody!)
Also, please take note of the cutie in the black shirt on the left - yep, that's my sis! Love being a part of the same family on both sides! :-)
Here's a crazy one - this is the grand kids, spouses and great-grand kids! I wish I had a number for you! Gee-Gee knows how many she has, that's for sure! :-)
Again, not all cousins could make this party - so there are quite a few missing...
This is a sweet picture of Gee-Gee and her great-grand babies!It's pretty amazing how this whole family grew (and continues to grow)...
all because two people fell in love!