Thursday, February 26, 2009


For Christmas, Aunt Becka gave Abigail a butterfly home, where we could send away for caterpillars and watch them grow, and release them when they became butterflies! It was quite the experience - Abigail and Maddie loved watching them move around and change - of course Maddie loved to shake up the cup... I was pleasantly surprised to see that they all survived! :-)Well, on Valentine's Day, Ben, Nicole, Caleb, and Brady came to visit and we knew it was the perfect opportunity to release the butterflies! We did it in the pool cage so we would have a few extra minutes with them, before the flew away.

It was a good time! The girls loved seeing them up close and watching them fly around. No butterflies landed on shoulders (although that's exactly what Abigail kept asking if they would do...) but it was probably for the best... :-)

Not too long after we got them all out of their "home" Nate and Ben made sure they all made it safely out the pool doors. Which was definitely a good thing - b/c at one point during their brief stay with us - 2 sets of the butterflies were definitely "attached." It was impossible to get them apart... :-) Unfortunately for one -there were only 5 butterflies, so one poor guy was definitely the 5th wheel :-)

But, needless to say, we did not need 100 little caterpillars crawling around the pool cage! :-)

Good Times! :-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

The girls had a great Valentine's Day! They got up in the morning and opened gifts from Mom - princess jewelry, and a heart frame to paint and decorate! Then, throughout the day, they got their gifts from Dad, Abigail got a cute skirt and Maddie got a pink camo shirt! Too cute!

I'll show you the girls painting their frames in another post...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mimi and Papa

Mimi and Papa came to visit after Valentine's Day.
Fun times with the bubbles outside...

Too Cool!

Trying to create large bubbles and catch them again

More to come on their visit...

Game Time!

Don't even need to ask... just enjoy your hearty laugh for the day...! LOL :-)
I do think this one is my favorite....

or, maybe this one.... LOL

Hangin' Out!

Good times for all!
Daisy had a blast wrestling and playing around with Ben and Cole's dog, Trigger. They ran themselves ragged, then slept soundly all night! :-)Bubbles...

Winding down...

Getting ready for bed...
More to come of game time! :-)

Dance Baby Dance!

I'm not sure what the music was - but we were having a grand time, dancing around! It doesn't take long to get everyone involved - dolls, and dogs alike! :-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Out with the old - In with the new!

A few weeks ago, we sold the Avaitor and within 3 days, we had the new truck! More on the details and God's perfect timing to come! I just wanted to get the new picture out there!
I love this truck - maybe b/c I'm a closet redneck... or not... :-) or I've always wanted a truck - or it fits us so well! The girls have a ton of room in the back - we had 4 adults and the 2 car seats in there the other night!
and... it will be great work truck... more on that to come also! :-)

Some Fun Things...

There are still times when Abigail will wake up in the middle of the night and come in our room - sometimes I am of (somewhat) sound mind, and can take her back - but for the most part, I am dead to the world and I barely know she's there. This picture is one of those events, in usual fashion... in case you're wondering where I was sleeping... well, that would be between Abigail's feet and the edge of the bed - about a 6 inch space! :-) Thus the picture!

Maddie was jamming out to my shuffle! They love trying to get the headphones to stay in their ears, it's so funny! Thank goodness I don't listen to obscene music to work out to! LOL

This was a fun moment - the girls were messing with the hats and jewels! So cute!
All I can say is.... WOW! :-) lol

Loving Life!

The girls have been riding their bikes outside more - they have a grand time! Although it is definitely time to upgrade both bikes - Maddie's shoes continue to get scratched b/c she drags her toes on the ground b/c her legs are getting too long for that push bike, and Abigail can't go as fast on her tric b/c her knees are starting to hit the handle bars! LOL
They are so cute - it's nice to see them active outside - and it wears them out, so bedtime comes a little earlier some days! :-)

A New Stage?

Maddie has been wearing undies the last week or so - not consistantly, or always successfully - but wearing them nontheless! She does not want to use the child potty - only the seat that fits onto the "big potty" like Sissy! It's cute, and frustrating at the same time! We have entered the world of cleaning up LOTS of messes - but will be worth it in the end!
Hopefully the transitition will be quick! :-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm coming back! Don't be discouraged! :-)
Having problems with getting the pics off the camera and a lack of time to sit and figure it all out! :-)
Running out the door this morning - but hopefully this week!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleeping Bag Fun

Loving their new sleeping bags and watching a movie! Too Cute! It only lasted about 20 minutes... but still 20 minutes of fun!
Thanks Mimi and Papa!