Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some Fun Things...

There are still times when Abigail will wake up in the middle of the night and come in our room - sometimes I am of (somewhat) sound mind, and can take her back - but for the most part, I am dead to the world and I barely know she's there. This picture is one of those events, in usual fashion... in case you're wondering where I was sleeping... well, that would be between Abigail's feet and the edge of the bed - about a 6 inch space! :-) Thus the picture!

Maddie was jamming out to my shuffle! They love trying to get the headphones to stay in their ears, it's so funny! Thank goodness I don't listen to obscene music to work out to! LOL

This was a fun moment - the girls were messing with the hats and jewels! So cute!
All I can say is.... WOW! :-) lol


  1. In the last picture...is Maddie sick, sleepy,or sad?

  2. I don't remember - not sick, I think she might have wanted the camera but Abigail had it... you know how that goes! :-)
