Friday, January 30, 2009

I wish I had this on video...

Such the cutie! I put a kids website on the laptop that played music - Maddie loved it! Dancing all around - I thought she was going to fall of the couch! I would have recorded it on the video camera, but our tapes are full - speaking of which, anyone know how to get the videos off the camcorder tapes and onto DVD????

Maddie's BFF

So, I don't think the pictures even do it justice - but Madelyn is so in love with Daisy, it's not even funny! The first thing she says when she wakes up in the morning (after yelling for me of course) is "Daisy?" - basically asking, "Where is she?" She will spend more time laying on the floor with Daisy, then she will do just about anything else! She has no problem being licked all over, kicked, or pushed out the way - she will roll all over the dog and thankfully Daisy is patient and kind towards her. I think Daisy sees the crazy attention as a the price she has to pay for good tasting fingers and cheeks! :-) GOOD TIMES!!!!

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Too Tired!

I really want to blog, I actually have quite a few things to tell you about - but I have just been too tired to get this far, and I have been spending so much time on the computer lately, that honestly, downloading and messing with pics and more information is the last thing I want to do when the girls go to bed. SO, don't give up... stay tuned... I will be back with some thrilling info!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gotta Love Me a Saturday!

So, nothing new today - just sitting on the couch, zoning out from the day...

I can't remember what we did this morning, cinnamon rolls for breakfast - woo-hoo!

trip to Michaels and the Mall - lots of sales! :-) Girls napped and played, watched a movie, Nate worked Army stuff, I searched the internet, and worked on Bible study.

Looking forward to church tomorrow, and of course a good night's sleep!

Hope you are well, and are enjoying your weekend! Would love to hear from you!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Selling the Aviator

Hey! We're selling the Lincoln Aviator! Pass the word if anyone is looking for a sweet SUV!

2004 Lincoln Aviator 2 Wheel drive....Power Moonroof....Leather....3rd row seat....Quad seats(4 captain chairs and 1 bench)....6 disc in dash CD player....Dual A/C....Back up sensors....Memory seat....Wood and leather wrapped steering wheel....Wood Trim Interior.....Full power options(windows, door locks, mirrors, pedals, garage opener,etc...), Running boards, Alloys, Chrome luggage rack, Fog lamps, Tinted windows, Keyless entry pad(driver`s door), Multifuntion controls on steering wheel, V8 4.6L motor, ABS, SRS(front and side),All owner`s manuals and much more........................ONLY 77,514 original miles.....CLEAN title.....Original paint.....NON smoker.....MINT condition in and out......

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Happy!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

Of Course, My Man! Yes, he is cuddling with the dog... :-) My sweet love neice - isn't she just precious!?My neices and nephews along with my girls sportin' their new Santa hats... you can see how well a poised picture went... yep, that's Abigail covering her face - she was fine... being funny! :-)
Hangin' out with Papa, waiting for something thrilling to happen?
My Sis and butterflies - we had a great time at Selby Gardens with most of the family, playing around and gazing at all the lights and flowers, and just being silly!

Making cookies with the girlsOMIGOSH! What a stinkin cutie! First of all, she told me she had to be an angel when we opened Christmas presents with my mom, then I caught her dancing on film! LOVE IT!
Nate and I took the girls to Celebration, where they make it "snow" every hour - it was fun watching their faces, and although it was a little chilly, it was certainly not cold out - but as you'll see, Abigail insisted on wearing her snow hat during the blast - then promptly removed it when the snow stopped falling...Just being beautiful!
This was the first time the girls have ever seen snow. We were in Ohio for Thanksgiving with Nate's parents - and here we stopped at a shopping center on the way back to the airport. Nate was raking the snow off of outside table tops and showing it to the girls, letting them touch it, etc. It was stinkin cold, but the girls had a blast! Abigail frequently likes to play with Daddy, and she loves one game in particular... DORA! She likes Daddy to be Dora, while she is backpack (and whoever else around are the other characters - in this case, I was Boots and Daisy was the Map!) The game always starts with Daddy trying to be Backpack while Abigail is Dora, you can imagine how that goes... it's way too cute! This particular game was funny b/c Nate would throw Daisy's ball and wherever Daisy (AKA the Map) went, Dora and Backpack were sure to follow! :-) Good Times!This is AWESOME! A few weeks ago, I had had just about all I could handle right before Nate got home from work, so I took a magazine (and I think a glass of wine) out to the pool area - let the dog out back to run and the door open to the house so the girls could come and go. Of course, they did not "go" but hung out with me, jumping all around the chairs, laughing at Daisy, etc. It turned out to be a really nice change of pace - for all of us... Needless to say, for awhile after that Abigail kept asking if she could go "rest outside" The answer was usually not right now - but eventually, Maddie was taking a nap, and it was a nice day out - so I let her go, while I stayed inside and watched her - well, I thought the resting would last maybe 5 minutes or so... Not so, I think she was out there 15, maybe 20 minutes. She got her juice and a blanket (although, not cold out) - then came back in for her shades, and eventually her phone... like I said, it was AWESOME!!
We have been growing some flowers that Mimi gave the girls, we were having fun with one of the blooms that Maddie accidently pulled off!
The girls putting their mark on some Thank you cards! :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday Night

OK, so we went out with friends Friday night. It was a belated birthday celebration for our friend Cathy. We had an awesome dinner at the Texas Cattle Co. - (I think their Filet Mignon blows Outback away...) just my opinion... :-) and then hung out around town for a little while. We had a great time! It was nice to sit down at a table and NOT need a high chair or figure out who will sit next to Mommy and who will sit across with Daddy - that was pretty cool!

And, to answer the question on the table, I wore a black dress with black tights and shiny (sexy) black boots! good times!

Friday, January 16, 2009

So Let's Answer the Question..

What do we do all day...?

Today, we got up a little late, at 9am - Abigail and I had another rough night - no mess, just up quite a bit. Unfortunately I got out of bed the same time Madelyn woke up this morning - so no time for coffee or Bible study... will have to find time this weekend to catch up.

We all spent some time "waking up" in front of the tv this morning - it's a process :-) Then some cereal, a quick shower, check of email, then off and running.. Cleaning up of the toys, changing clothes, finding socks and shoes, deciding of the perfect jackets and brushing teeth and hair - just as all was going well - Maddie slipped off the stool and hit the edge of the toilet with the back of her head and neck... ooooh, NOT good! After a few moments of kicking and screaming, all was well - she bounces back pretty quickly! Then the race continues... finding cups, re-filling with the perfect juice - grabbing a favorite toy or blanket for the car, of course making sure the diaper bag is completely packed - finding the keys, making sure I have my wallet, putting the dog in her cage... oh, did I brush my teeth yet??? Getting everyone and everything else out to the car - loading up, buckling seat belts, and we're off! Down our street half way when I realize I forgot my cell phone - can't do without it - so we turn around. It's a good thing we did b/c I had also forgotten the birthday present for the little girl we were going to see...

So, let's try this again....

45 minutes later we are at our destination, playing with friends, torturing the poor little kitten (constantly having to hold it! - my girls were all but fighting over who was going to hold her and for how long) About 2 hours later, we have left my poor friends house in shambles, and we're off again! Making it back home just in time to finish the laundry and put it all away, put Maddie down for a WAY TOO LATE nap, start a movie for Abigail, and try to decide what I will wear tonight (we're going out with friends) Home for about 15 minutes before I even remember I have left the dog in her cage - oops, sorry Daisy! :-)

Well, the decision still has not been made about what I will wear tonight, Nate will be home in 10 minutes, the babysitter here in an hour, and our friends soon after that - so I guess I should go and figure it out!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!! :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sick Babies

Poor Kid! She's actually not this sick anymore - but apparently it's been lingering...
Last night was another fun one... the girls were sound asleep in bed, when I heard Abigail whining. I went to go check on her, and as I opened the door, she was already sitting up, covering her mouth with her hand and crying - then the junk came flowing!
Thankfully, Nate was still awake, so he stripped her bed, blankets, towels, pjs, etc and threw them in the wash, while I gave Abigail a bath.
That was the end of the mess for the night, but I made her a bed on our floor and as she tried to sleep, any time she would make a sound, I think both she and I woke up in terror that there would be another mess to clean up (although I doubt she was worried about cleaning it up!) :-) Needless to say, not a great night of sleep!
But, here we are on the flip side of a long night, and all seems well. Abigail says her throat hurts...but we'll see what the few days hold....

Monday, January 12, 2009


Ok, so I have been told how great the TV show 24 is - how you only need to watch one episode and you're "hooked!" Well, Nate and I took "them" up on the challenge some time last year - and, well, nope... definitely not hooked on the show. Then OF COURSE we were told that we didn't watch a very good episode... Well, we moved on in life and never looked back...

UNTIL 2 weeks ago - we watched a 24 preview movie on a Sunday night - b/c there wasn't much on, and, well, we thought it might be interesting - then just like "they" said, I'm hooked! The premier has been on for 2 nights now, and not just for 2 nights - but 2 hours each night!
Holy Cow! Lots of secrets and breaking laws! I'm loving it! LOL

It's not too late - get plugged in... you might just get hooked! :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

'Tis the Season...

Well, the season is over, much to my dismay - our tree is tossed out and all traces of Christmas have made it back to the attic. This has been, by far the most interesting and fun Christmas in a long time! Abigail was so thrilled and inquisitive over all things "Christmas" this year. She quizzed me about Santa, and why we "forgot" to put lights on our house, begged me to drive down a certain street to see "Baby Jesus" and whined a very sad story about how she didn't want Christmas to be over... It was great! She is hysterical and I loved seeing her light up with excitement over the same things I have seen (and have taken for granted) for so many years.
Christmas is definitely a different experience when you're enjoying it through the eyes of your little ones...
Maddie could have cared less - except, I think she throughly enjoyed stripping the tree of all the ornaments.... :-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here I am...

So, I've heard that actually getting started is the hardest part of blogging - so here I am - getting started...
I don't know that anyone cares what I will write, or what cute adorable things my kids say everyday - but I will write it anyway...because THEY ARE super cute, and adorable! :-)

Stay tuned for some riviting stuff! :-)