Friday, January 30, 2009

Maddie's BFF

So, I don't think the pictures even do it justice - but Madelyn is so in love with Daisy, it's not even funny! The first thing she says when she wakes up in the morning (after yelling for me of course) is "Daisy?" - basically asking, "Where is she?" She will spend more time laying on the floor with Daisy, then she will do just about anything else! She has no problem being licked all over, kicked, or pushed out the way - she will roll all over the dog and thankfully Daisy is patient and kind towards her. I think Daisy sees the crazy attention as a the price she has to pay for good tasting fingers and cheeks! :-) GOOD TIMES!!!!

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  1. LOVE it! :) How sweet is that? Please give Daisy some love for me...such a good girl being so patient with Madelyn. Love you all.

  2. That's funny! Leave it to the wild girl to make the dog her BFF!
