Thursday, January 28, 2010

2 cool moments!

Sorry no pictures of the main events - but something to look at, anyway!

Yesterday the girls were all dressed up, playing when Abigail tells me they are going to a wedding. She quickly points out that Maddie is the one getting married - when I asked Maddie who it was that she would be marrying, she boldly stated - Jesus! LOL
Too cute!
Same day, at bed time - We did the normal routine, bath, pjs, read Bible, pray, bed. Abigail's prayer went something like this... "Dear God, thank you for a good dog, please keep Daisy safe with you because I miss her a lot, and I know that when I die I will get to play with her again. But I know that I will be really old when I die. Thank you for a good Spots and Romeo. Thank you for Mommy and Daddy and help me to stay in my bed all night. Please keep Daddy safe. We love you Jesus, Amen!" LOL

They crack me up! For those of you that don't know, our dog Daisy died a few months ago, and since, Abigail has tried to get it straight if all things around her are going to die and when... :-) She has a very sweet spirit and too funny!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dumpty Dumpty

So, I'm in the girl's room picking out clothes for tomorrow, and all I can hear is a little Maddie voice singing/yelling, "Dumpty, Dumpty sat on a frog! Dumpty Dumpty sat on a frog!" Over and Over and Over again! Made me laugh, although I was quick to help her with the whole song, the repititon was driving me nuts! :-)
Oh - her little cutie face is b/c we're working on not making the "I just sat on something painful" smile. - This is what she came up with instead! :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Departure Ceremony 1-8-2010

So, I've been "gone" for awhile, but I will try to keep up, especially for Nate...
As you can see, we had a departure ceremony for Nate and all the guys (gals) - have to be pc :-) at the beginning of January.There were a lot of big wigs there, chatting up how proud they were our soldiers - they were presented a Florida flag to display in Kuwait - which I think is pretty cool!
This is a picture of all 3 units in formation from Nicole's view point. Thanks to Cole for taking all these pics.... I didn't even bring my camera! I'm glad someone was thinking! :-)
We had an amazing turn out, much to my surprise (not that I didn't think anyone would come - it was just in the middle of the work day!) but, my Dad took off work to drive up, along with Cole and the boys, Beck and Rea, Gee Gee (Nate's grandma) Uncle Mark and Sue, Nate's mom flew down from Ohio to see him off! It's pretty wonderful to have a family that loves and supports us! We are so grateful!
Our wonderful Gee Gee!
Cole and the boys!
Abigail told me she was telling Daddy, "I will miss you."
Maddie loving on Daddy
Although it's difficult for Nate to see his girls change and grow through a computer, and challenging for me to keep everything afloat while he's gone - I know that Nate is doing exactly what God has called him to do. If you were to see him "in action" - talking with and dealing with soldiers and situations you would agree that he is really great at what he does! Nate is reliable and steadfast, and others know (or learn quickly) that he will follow through and get the job done! With the same commitment and integrity that he has a soldier, he has as a husband and father. I am very proud of him and proud to be his wife!
Still, there are times when this call seems to stretch me farther than I think I am willing to go, however, as well as I know Nate is where he is supposed to be, I know that I am also. God knew full well where my life would lead, long before my dreams of a husband would exist, and He knew I could handle this. He has given me a strength and resolve to trust in Him, a faith that reminds me, I'm never alone, and the lesson of letting others serve.
Would I wish Nate home all the time, absolutely - but there is little that can compare to the pride and respect that comes along with knowing that the man you are married to is willing to make sacrifices and actually "go" so the majority of people can continue to live their lives undetered.
So, Nate will be busy for a year - but, so will we, and time will go by quickly and before we all know it, he'll be home!
I am proud of you Babe, see you soon!