Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dancing Goofy

This is a little video that shows how my children REALLY feel about dressed up characters!

Poor kids! :-)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


This video is a bit long, but oh so cute!

Heidi came to visit for a weekend and the girls had so much! They learned more about play-doh and how to make Mama birds, eggs, nests and then baby birds. We looked up birds on the computer that matched the color of play-doh they chose to use - such a fun time!

(although, much to their disappointment, Mom does not make play-doh birds nearly as well as Heidi!)

Then they pretended to search and find animals, like at Animal Kingdom, in the backyard. They were outside for a very long time, I just caught of few minutes of the "event."

We loved having Heidi here and we all wish she lived MUCH closer! :-)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Our next adventure!

So, it looks like our "Spotty Spot Spots" is with child, or 8.... For those of you that feel the need to yell at me - it's been done! But, in my defensive, I DID take her to get fixed and the vet wouldn't do it - they said she had a fever and it would have to wait. Meaning, I would have to continually bring her back (of course paying the vet fee) to check to see if she was well enough to get the surgery. Well, in the mean time, cats continue to go into heat every 7-10 days until, well, you know... So, we fought against her to keep her inside, but things happen and, here we are!
So, here are some pics of Spots "before" and I'll try to update as things continue for her.
The timing is not an exact science, it's pregancy, AND, I wasn't there :-) - but a cat's gestation is 9 weeks, and I'm pretty sure that next week is week 6. So, we should be contributing to the over population of domesticated animals and have some kittens around the week of July 19th.
Let me know if you want one! :-)
It will be a fun learning experience and something we've never done before (and never plan to do again) :-) The girls are stoked and thankfully we already have some friends that want one!
I've been reading a lot about what to expect and what do when the kittens come, etc. Spots is a sweet cat and I think she will do fine. It's been interesting to read what others say about socializing kittens. I had suspisions that Spots was too young to leave her family when we got her, and I'm convinced now. There were many things she didn't learn or do well, until we got Romeo and he really helped make her a good cat. That being said, I'm looking forward to being able to socialize these kittens so they make good pets - it will be fun to love on them and teach the girls how to play with them, etc.
Good times ahead!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ground Hog Day!

Ok! I've been told MULTIPLE times that reading my blog is like Ground Hog Day - it's the same thing EVERY time! :-)
Well, I have now added my own blog to my favorites list on my new laptop, so hopefully I will be able to keep up a little better now~ :-)
Nothing terribly exciting to share at the moment, so I will search for some cutie pics!
This is our latest trip to the zoo....