Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gotta Love Me a Saturday!

So, nothing new today - just sitting on the couch, zoning out from the day...

I can't remember what we did this morning, cinnamon rolls for breakfast - woo-hoo!

trip to Michaels and the Mall - lots of sales! :-) Girls napped and played, watched a movie, Nate worked Army stuff, I searched the internet, and worked on Bible study.

Looking forward to church tomorrow, and of course a good night's sleep!

Hope you are well, and are enjoying your weekend! Would love to hear from you!


  1. love the new layout...PERFECT song for your crew! Why are you selling the ride?

  2. Hey Cole~

    I love that song - fits us well! :-) We're hoping to put a bunch of moola on the mortgage - so hopefully it will sell. We love it - it's a great car, but we don't need it...
    How are you guys?
