Friday, January 16, 2009

So Let's Answer the Question..

What do we do all day...?

Today, we got up a little late, at 9am - Abigail and I had another rough night - no mess, just up quite a bit. Unfortunately I got out of bed the same time Madelyn woke up this morning - so no time for coffee or Bible study... will have to find time this weekend to catch up.

We all spent some time "waking up" in front of the tv this morning - it's a process :-) Then some cereal, a quick shower, check of email, then off and running.. Cleaning up of the toys, changing clothes, finding socks and shoes, deciding of the perfect jackets and brushing teeth and hair - just as all was going well - Maddie slipped off the stool and hit the edge of the toilet with the back of her head and neck... ooooh, NOT good! After a few moments of kicking and screaming, all was well - she bounces back pretty quickly! Then the race continues... finding cups, re-filling with the perfect juice - grabbing a favorite toy or blanket for the car, of course making sure the diaper bag is completely packed - finding the keys, making sure I have my wallet, putting the dog in her cage... oh, did I brush my teeth yet??? Getting everyone and everything else out to the car - loading up, buckling seat belts, and we're off! Down our street half way when I realize I forgot my cell phone - can't do without it - so we turn around. It's a good thing we did b/c I had also forgotten the birthday present for the little girl we were going to see...

So, let's try this again....

45 minutes later we are at our destination, playing with friends, torturing the poor little kitten (constantly having to hold it! - my girls were all but fighting over who was going to hold her and for how long) About 2 hours later, we have left my poor friends house in shambles, and we're off again! Making it back home just in time to finish the laundry and put it all away, put Maddie down for a WAY TOO LATE nap, start a movie for Abigail, and try to decide what I will wear tonight (we're going out with friends) Home for about 15 minutes before I even remember I have left the dog in her cage - oops, sorry Daisy! :-)

Well, the decision still has not been made about what I will wear tonight, Nate will be home in 10 minutes, the babysitter here in an hour, and our friends soon after that - so I guess I should go and figure it out!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. So where are you going? And what did you end up wearing? A picture would be nice. :)
