Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sick Babies

Poor Kid! She's actually not this sick anymore - but apparently it's been lingering...
Last night was another fun one... the girls were sound asleep in bed, when I heard Abigail whining. I went to go check on her, and as I opened the door, she was already sitting up, covering her mouth with her hand and crying - then the junk came flowing!
Thankfully, Nate was still awake, so he stripped her bed, blankets, towels, pjs, etc and threw them in the wash, while I gave Abigail a bath.
That was the end of the mess for the night, but I made her a bed on our floor and as she tried to sleep, any time she would make a sound, I think both she and I woke up in terror that there would be another mess to clean up (although I doubt she was worried about cleaning it up!) :-) Needless to say, not a great night of sleep!
But, here we are on the flip side of a long night, and all seems well. Abigail says her throat hurts...but we'll see what the few days hold....


  1. Poor little girl! Have you thought about the infant vitamin mix or citraboost? It would build their immune systems so maybe they could fight the junk before they catch it. I think I'm going to start Rea on the infant mix next month.

  2. That might not be a bad idea - I'll have to look into it - have fun tutoring :-)
