Sunday, July 12, 2009

Some Favorites

We were able to spend some time with Nate's family this Summer. His brother and their four boys came to visit, along with his Mom and Dad, and a cousin got married, so we had a big get together - more on the wedding to come! :-)

These are a few favorite pictures from then.

This is so adorable! A conversation between Nana and Abigail caught on film! :-)I love these girls! My sweet sis, and her baby girl!

Our nephews and "Abi-girl"

Boy Scout Bob, er, Nate :-)

that was one tough fire to get started - just bring on the gasoline!

This is pretty much what we find Poppy doing the whole time he's down! :-)

But we're thankful for the pictures and memories! :-)

There's no telling what was going on with Maddie at this point - but such a cute picture out of it! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I was down also!!!

    Nate ran into Maddie and she bumped her head while we were trying to clean up the garage.
