Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More Easter Events

Hanging out at Aunt Becka's with the whole crew...Chatting with Grandmother...

Meeting Granddaddy for the first time...

Opening Super fun gifts from Aunt Bianca and the boys....

and from Nana and Poppy in Ohio!

It was sweet of Gunner to help :-)


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOO????????? What was in the box???? Don't leave us hanging!

  2. Hehehe - Abigail was opening a Care Bears Movie from Gabe, B and the boys, and the box was filled with a ton of Easter goodies, including princess tatoos, candy, the Cars movie, and MORE! :-)

  3. So jealous...i want Grandmommy and Granddaddy to meet Braylen!

  4. SO glad they had a wonderful Easter. Wish we could have been there in person rather than sending a gift. Wish the miles were shorter.
