Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Talk about an extremely stressful and challenging day - let me give you the readers digest version... (as only I can do!) LOL

The morning, following a very interesting and slightly depressing evening, got off to a very sluggish start. Eating a not so great breakfast, and feeling "not so well" this week :-P landed us at the gym with only an hour to exercise - take away chatting with a friend and signing the girls up for gymnastics (fun!) and all I had left was 30 minutes - so a bland work out to say the least! A trip to walmart had the natives restless for a good nap and some lunch - however that would have to wait since the moment we walked in the door (with arms full of all the groceries) all hell would break loose. Mom ran to the bathroom, while Maddie decided to use the living room floor, a granola bar and some gummies to tied them over, while I cleaned up the mess, and tried to getting the groceries in the fridge, pee laundry started, and Maddie re-dressed. Kids ran off to play and I took the opportunity to jump in the shower - only to have to jump out sopping wet to intercept the alarm as it screamed that the back door had been opened (why did I let the kids learn to unlock the door, again???) Still in a towel, puddles on the floor I called the alarm company (somewhat concerned why they hadn't called me yet.) come to find out - the alarm must be ear piercing for more than a minute before they get the signal to call and check in - this does not instill peace in my heart! Alarm is resest, puddles cleaned up, mom is fully dressed, kids are fed, and Maddie is down for a nap. All is well. I do get to spend the next few hours in the kitchen (something I haven't really done, in almost a month) :-) Super spruced up brownies for a baby shower, chili for dinner, and banana bread - all done. Maddie is up, girls are now playing together - having a ball - all of a sudden, there is this high pitched, painful scream - the one you hear when you know whatever just happened, really hurt! Abigail meets me in the hallway saying, "something happened to Maddie!"

Come to find out, she was standing on the desk chair and fell off, only to land on the filing cabinet door and scratch up her back pretty good. Did I mention that I was the one who left the cabinet open when I was looking for the alarm paperwork...UGH! I felt terrible, it was ugly, and it really hurt...! I held Maddie for awhile, put some medicine and a bandaide on her back and laid her on the couch with her favorite movie. Thank goodness the babysitter would be here any minute and Maddie was sure to perk up!

As crazy as today was, there were some pretty great highlights....

When Maddie was eating lunch, she says to me, "Mom, this is really good. Thank you so much for making it for me!" How sweet is that - from a 2 yr old!!! :-)

When I came home from a baby shower tonight the girls were still awake, and they both come bouncing in to the kitchen to say hello and give me the rundown of all the fun things they did with the babysitter - the first thing out of Maddie's mouth is, "Mom, it doesn't hurt anymore!!!!" showing me her back! - Thank goodness! and finally....
As I'm putting the girls to bed, Abigail says, "Mom, I love you just the way you are!" and of course, Maddie repeats it! :-)
oh my goodness - out of the mouth of babes!

A hard day - but ending it with a smile.
Night all! Maddie enjoying her great lunch - doesn't it look good? LOL

Sorry for this picture - but she actually wanted me to take it, because she wanted to show Daddy - this is literally a minute after she fell.... she is wanting to tell/show daddy everything lately.... :-)


  1. Tell Maddie how tough i think she is for not crying very long, that looks painful! Sounds like you had an eventful day to say the least although I'm not sure I would call that a reader's digest version. :). Love you and am so proud of how you are handling my absence, see you soon!


  2. Ouch! What a little trooper!
    And hugs to you. I know how you feel!
    And I'm envious that Maddie will nap for you. No dice with Evan.
    I've got to get up to the gym with him tomorrow. Workout dvd today.
    Give kisses to the girls from us please!
