Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today we...

Made homemade playdough!
We finished school today and starting making the "promised special treat!" only to realize we needed salt! (we don't use salt much in this house, so I only have a very small jar for guests - this was not enough bc the recipe calls for 1/4 CUP per color!!! Geesh!)
Anyway, fun was had by all, and I got quite the arm workout!

Recreating the joy of adding the ingredients (especially the food coloring!) :-)

"Mom, what is kneading?"

"Woah! This is still hot!"

They made blue all by themselves! They watched and helped with the first two batches and ended up doing a pretty good job on their own.

Play-dough smiley face!

Being creative with items found around the house (since we tossed all our playdo toys a few months back!) hopefully they will take more pride in their things if they make them! :-)

This is "chick fil a" where Maddie is cutting the chicken nuggets for her daughter, Kara, who happens to work at the Chick, but still likes her nuggets cut! Lol :-) they crack me up!

OHHH! Speaking of that... Funny story... After tucking the girls in last night, they were blowing me kisses (which they know makes me jump around and be silly - like I'm being attacked by kisses!) as I shut the door behind me, I hear Abigail say, through laughter, "that mommy, she cracks me up!" lol :-)
Silly girls!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good post! Good times! Memories those girls will remember forever!

  2. are you soooo loving pintrest or what? so many cool things!

  3. Love the homemade playdoh! Such a great experience.
